

Travel & Local


Application to be informed of the cultural events and shopping deals in town of Santander. Also includes other useful information such as parking spaces for disabled or PMRs, taxi and bus, hotels, etc ...If you have other information that you consider interesting show, or know where to get it,do not hesitate to inform ([email protected]) and study as inclusion.This is the first BETA and have not been tested on many devices, or Android versionsdifferent screen sizes. If you observe something strange not hesitate to comment ([email protected]).GeoAlerts @ Santander, is NOT an official app of the city of Santander. It is an application made by an individual without any benefit for developing it. Most of the information comes from the municipality of Santander OpenData ( GeoAlerts @ Santander is not responsible for the accuracy of the contents, or its availability or format. Any change in the OpenData could cause certain sections of the application are not operating properly. If you look at something do not hesitate to communicate.@ Santander GeoAlerts not access on-line resources themselves, in other words there own server after her. If there is interest from other users to add information (comments, messages, photos, etc ...) that possibility will be studied in the future.PERMITS: Do not be scared by the permissions of "access to location" or "consulting contacts" and others.Are needed to show the map, they add stores to your contacts or launch phone calls to them.I hope you find it useful ...